Name | Nicknames | Race | Gender | Birthplace | Job | Titles |
Character Overview
- One of the 12 familiars who serve under Armored Dragon King Perugius. A spirit created by Perugius through spirit summoning magic.
- Possesses the ability to transfer the physical strength and health of one individual to another.
- Can cure illnesses that are currently incurable by conventional detoxification magic to a certain extent.
People in Chaos Breaker
- Perugius Dola: Lord
- Sylvaril of the Void
- Almanfi of the Bright
- Scarecoat of Time
- Karowante of Insight
- Clearnight of Roaring thunder
- Dotverse of Destruction
- Torophimos of Wave
- Harkenmale of Life
- Galo of Great Quake
- Fuliusfile of Insanity
- Partemto of Darkness