The leading figure of the Five Dragon Generals, known as the “Saint Dragon Emperor.”
A Dragon General with fleeting eyes and green-silver scales.
In the war against the Demon World, he developed a barrier to counteract the magical attacks of the demon tribe. His martial prowess earned him the title of “Saint Dragon Emperor.”
In the Dragon World, he holds the position of deputy Dragon God, overseeing the dragon race. Among the Five Dragon Generals, he is the sharpest.
Upon Hitogami’s instigation, supposedly for the sake of Dragon God, he executed Necroria Nacroria, the perpetrator of the Mighty Dragon King Crystal’s murder. He proposed a war against the Demon World and ultimately fought to stop Dragon God’s invasion of the human world. This created an opening for Hitogami’s attack, piercing through Dragon God.
Regretting his betrayal of Dragon God’s trust from Hitogami’s revelation, he gouged out his limbs, fangs, both eyes, and heart, choosing to take his own life.