A grass that used to thrive deep inside the Dragon’s Tail Cave, located in the valley known as the “Tail of the Red Dragon” at the edge of the Red Dragon Mountains north of the fabled city of Maio. This location was engulfed in the cataclysmic disappearance of the giant continent during the Second Human-Demon War.
It grows in caves that are shaded from direct sunlight and are not exposed to sunlight.
When brewed into tea, it expels the bad magical energy from the body caused by Drain Syndrome as waste.
The name “Red Dragon Mountains” was probably given after the Laplace War, so the place name seems to be casually mentioned by Kishirika.
Sokasu tea is beneficial for the body and delicious, so it was ordered by Kishirika Kishirisu to be cultivated by the Demon Kings in the underground of the castle.